What Is Edamame: Nutrition, Health Benefits, And Risks

East Asians enjoy edamame as a snack. These beans are high in poly peptide and packed with nutrients. Edamame benefits extend beyond its gluten-free condition. These young soybeans are depression in calories, have no cholesterol, and can be eaten raw.

The nutrition content of edamame makes it a good for you food. The beans have a rich nutritional contour and meliorate cardiovascular wellness. Moreover, they tin can lower cancer hazard and regulate claret carbohydrate levels. We explore edamame'south health benefits, nutrition facts, and possible side effects in this commodity. Take a look.

What Is Edamame?

Edamame beans were starting time cultivated in China about 7,000 years agone. These green young soybeans are available in two forms — beans and pods. Unripe soybeans are sweeter and can exist added to salads or soups. They are piece of cake to cook and sold frozen, fresh, or in the pod. Edamame is a staple side dish in Nihon.

Curl downwards to know more than about the nutritional contour of edamame.

Diet Facts Of Edamame

According to the U.S. Department Of Agriculture, a cup (155g) of frozen edamame contains (1):

Calories 188
Protein 18.4g
Fat 8.06g
Carbohydrate xiii.8g
Fiber 8.06g
Iron 3.52 mg
Copper 0.535 mg
Manganese 1.58 mg
Thiamin 0.31 mg
Riboflavin 0.24 mg
Folate 482 µg

Edamame is high in protein and helps maintain optimal health. Hither are the health benefits of edamame.

Health Benefits Of Edamame

ane. May ImproveCardiovascular Health

Studies state that foods rich in soy poly peptide lower cholesterol. The bioactive compounds in soybeans may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (2). A study by Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Lexington, on laboratory animals institute that consuming soy protein decreases serum cholesterol levels (three). Soy products are high in vitamins, cobweb, minerals, and polyunsaturated fats that help improve cardiovascular health (4). Soy isoflavones may also help forestall atherosclerosis (buildup of fats on the artery walls) (5).

2. May RegulateBlood Saccharide Levels

Soy isoflavones and proteins may help regulate blood sugar levels (6). Thus, taking soy products may reduce type two diabetes risk. A study by Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA, found that foods low in glycemic index (GI) values, like soy products, may command blood glucose and insulin levels (seven). Notwithstanding, more studies are needed to understand this benefit of edamame in humans.

3. May Have Anti-Cancer Potential

Isoflavones in soy products, like genistein, have antioxidant properties that prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. Thus, isoflavone-rich foods may reduce the run a risk of prostate cancer (8). A review published in Nutrients suggests that taking unfermented soy products may as well reduce prostate cancer hazard (9). Besides, taking a high dose of isoflavones may lower the run a risk of breast cancer besides (10). Notwithstanding, more than studies are warranted to sympathise this benefit of edamame.

4. May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

A review published in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggests that soy isoflavone intake may assistance menopausal women (eleven). A airplane pilot report showed that women who had isoflavone-rich food for 12 weeks reported fewer menopausal symptoms (12). Another study on 51 women saw rates of hot flashes and night sweats drop past 57% and 43% respectively. They received lx mg of isoflavones daily (13).

five. May Reduce Bone Loss

Consuming traditional and whole soy, including edamame, may help reduce bone loss adventure (14). A study by the National Found of Health and Nutrition, Nihon, found that soy isoflavones may take beneficial effects on bone loss (xv). All the same, more research is warranted in this regard. As for postmenopausal women, a written report found that isoflavone phytoestrogen genistein reduces bone loss (xvi).

6. May Ameliorate Cerebral Office

Soy isoflavone supplements may meliorate cerebral function and visual memory in postmenopausal women (17). They may also slightly benefit people with Alzheimer's disease, though more than thorough studies are warranted (18). The folate in edamame may human action equally an anti-depressant (nineteen).

vii. May Aid Reduce Weight

Consuming soy proteins and their isoflavones may aid reduce weight. A review published in International Periodical of Medical Sciences suggests that soy proteins accept a beneficial upshot on obesity (twenty).

8. May Reduce Skin Cancer Hazard

Equally per animal studies, the genistein (soy-derived isoflavone) in edamame may help meliorate peel elasticity and reduce skin cancer gamble (21). However, more than studies are needed to prove this merits.

Now that you know the health benefits of taking edamame, here are three simple edamame recipes you can effort in your kitchen.

3 Simple EdamameRecipes To Endeavour

ane. Edamame Dip

What You lot Need

  • Frozen edamame – 1 bag (12 ounces)
  • Extra virgin olive oil – 3 tablespoons
  • Peeled garlic cloves – 2
  • Juiced lemon – one
  • Fresh basil or cilantro – ane tablespoon (optional)
  • Common salt and pepper – to taste
  • Pita fries, crackers, and/or veggies – for dipping


  1. Add frozen edamame to a pot with boiling water.
  2. Cook until tender, for about 5 minutes.
  3. Save about ½ a loving cup of the cooking water and bleed the residue.
  4. Add the cooked edamame to a food processor with olive oil, garlic cloves, and lemon juice.
  5. Process the mixture, slowly adding some of the reserved cooking water until the dip reaches its desired thickness.
  6. Add basil or cilantro (if using) and some common salt and pepper.
  7. Continue to process until the mixture is polish.
  8. Transfer it to a serving bowl and serve with pita fries, crackers, and/or fresh vegetables.

2. Edamame, Cranberry, AndFeta Salad

What You Need

  • Frozen shelled edamame – 2 cups
  • Actress virgin olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Dried cranberries – ii cups
  • Crumbled feta cheese – 1 cup
  • Freshly grated pepper – to taste


  1. Defrost edamame in the microwave and permit it to cool completely.
  2. Toss edamame and cranberries together with olive oil and pepper until combined.
  3. Add together feta cheese and stir gently.
  4. Air-condition until ready to serve.

three. Edamame Hummus

What You lot Demand

  • Shelled edamame – ane ½ cups
  • Tahini – 1/3 cup
  • Extra virgin olive oil – 3 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 1/3 cup
  • Roughly chopped garlic – 1 (medium)
  • Fine-grain sea table salt – ½ teaspoon
  • Lightly packed fresh cilantro leaves – ½ cup
  • Water – 2 to iv tablespoons
  • Sesame seeds – for garnish (optional)


  1. Combine tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and common salt.
  2. Procedure the mixture for about 1½ minutes in a nutrient processor or high-powered blender.
  3. Add cilantro and process for nigh a minute until the mixture is polish.
  4. Add together one-half of edamame, two tablespoons of water, and process for a minute.
  5. Scrape downwards the bowl and add the remaining edamame. Process until the hummus is thick and smoothen (about i to 2 minutes more than).
  6. If your hummus is too thick or chunky, drizzle1 to 2 tablespoons of water. Run the food process or until information technology reaches the desired consistency.
  7. Gustatory modality and add more salt if the hummus doesn't gustatory modality skilful yet.
  8. Scrape the hummus into a modest serving basin. If desired, lightly drizzle olive oil over the top and sprinkle additional cilantro leaves and a few sesame seeds.

These are some easy and succulent recipes of edamame. But some people may exist allergic to edamame. It also may crusade some side effects. Scroll down to know in item.

Avoid Edamame If Yous Have Soy Allergy

Edamame is considered prophylactic for most people. Notwithstanding, people with soy allergies should not eat edamame. These allergies are common in infants and children (22). Some people may experience diarrhea, stomach cramps, and constipation (23). All the same, research is limited in this aspect.

If you are allergic to soy foods, try eating lima beans, light-green peas, and fresh fava.


Edamame beans are rich in protein and take fewer calories. Their rich nutritional profile offers multiple health benefits. Consuming edamame helps reduces the run a risk of cardiovascular diseases and improves cognitive function. It may also reduce the risk of prostate and chest cancers. Make it a point to try out the recipes listed above. However, avoid taking soy foods if you are allergic to them. Consult your physician in the instance of an emergency.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and bookish research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accurateness and relevance. Read our editorial policy to acquire more.

    1. Edamame frozen prepared
    2. Beyond the Cholesterol-Lowering Upshot of Soy Poly peptide: A Review of the Furnishings of Dietary Soy and Its Constituents on Take a chance Factors for Cardiovascular Illness
    3. Meta-analysis of the effects of soy poly peptide intake on serum lipids
    4. Soy protein isoflavones and cardiovascular wellness: an American Middle Association Science Informational for professionals from the Nutrition Commission
    5. Furnishings of soy isoflavones on atherosclerosis: potential mechanisms
    6. Soy intake and risk of type ii diabetes mellitus in Chinese Singaporeans
    7. Soy foods take low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects
    8. The Science of Soy: What Practice We Actually Know?
      https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1480510/
    9. Soy Consumption and the Risk of Prostate Cancer: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    10. Meta-analysis of soy intake and breast cancer risk
    11. Soy Isoflavones and Osteoporotic Os Loss: A Review with an Emphasis on Modulation of Os Remodeling
    12. The Effect of Soy Isoflavones on the Menopause Rating Calibration Scoring in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Written report
    13. Isoflavone treatment for acute menopausal symptoms
    14. Soy Components vs. Whole Soy: Are Nosotros Betting Our Bones on a Long Shot?
    15. Soy isoflavones for osteoporosis: an show-based approach
    16. Effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on os metabolism in osteopenic postmenopausal women: a randomized trial
    17. Do soy isoflavones amend cognitive function in postmenopausal women? A meta-analysis
    18. Cerebral effects of soy isoflavones in patients with Alzheimer'south illness
    19. Folate and depression—a neglected problem
    20. Office of Dietary Soy Protein in Obesity
    21. Genisteinaglycone a soy-derived isoflavone improves pare changes induced past ovariectomy in rats
    22. Milk and Soy Allergy
    23. Colitis, persistent diarrhea, and soy protein intolerance

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Sindhu Koganti is a health and wellness author with over 5 years of experience. She has a bachelor's degree in... more


Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/benefits-of-edamame/

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